Saturday, February 8, 2014



I was made this picture a year ago...
I planned to give it to my grandma's when she's 93rd birthday.
But because of many reason, I didn’t finish it right in time...
At the beginning of the month of February, suddenly came the desire to finish that picture, and finally, this picture was finished on the 8th of February, or one week before my grandmother hospitalized.
That day, Thursday, February 20... My mom called me, she said "grandma would take home soon"
I thank to God, I will introduce to grandma, my youngest son, who was born in early January.  At the same time would give the picture.
But God willed the other, that afternoon, grandma did not come back to home.
Grandma went to heaven.  She's passed away...

All memory about grandma, immediately appear in my mind and my heart.
My childhood memories, when my Grandpa brought me to Papua.
When we are always bothering her, such as when we visited her home in Jakarta.
But grandma and grandpa always greeted us with joy and affection, especially Grandma. She always took the time to cook for us, ikan kembung, sambal tomat, sup brenebon, and of course the famous chocolate cake..chocoladetaart
Now grandma has been peace in heaven, grandma has given all her love on the people closest, all the lessons about life...

Grandma, I can never repay all the kindness that you have given to me, even when you are not here now, grandma is still giving her kindness for me and my little family, at her "sweet little" house in Bandung ..

Selamat Jalan oma Poli...
We will miss you

digital painting
photoshop CS


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